
cena aku mrepek kt sini, centu la bila aku ckap sorg2.. =.='
so, jgn layan..!!

::kAtaK oNg::



tadi kan, tadi kan, tadi kan....
aku wat test kt fesbuk..

 What Your Birth Month Says About You

pastu kaaaan...
neyh dya rsultnya..



Stubborn and hard-hearted. 
aku mmg degil.. n hati aku sgt keras.. tapi, bak kta palie, "ang ati keras, tapi lembut.. saket ati gla2 ja, sah leleh".. hmm...
Ambitious and serious. 
yeah! engineer!! siyes?? kdg2..
Loves to teach and be taught. 
akU mngajaq org yg berhak diajaq, yg aku yakin, menghargai pa yg aku ajaq n xkdkUt ilmu.. dan aku lbeyh rela blajaq dri org yg xpndai, tapi ikhlas nk ajaq aku.. cntoh yg plg mudah, ibrahim aka baem.. xbijAk, taPi hati dya baek.. :)
Always looking at people`s flaws and weaknesses. 
errr... xsmUa.. cuma, kdg2, i love 2 judge ppl dgan skali pndang.. tp, bla dh knai lma n tau hati budi, aku oke saja.. 
Likes to criticize.
 not like 2, LOVE 2!!!
Hardworking and productive. 
mUngkin.. hrmm..
Smart, neat and organized.
 sometimes.. slalunya, mmg aku smak prOt kalo tgOk pa2 yg xtratoq... tapi kdg2, aku yg mnyemakkan.. so, err.. ntah..
Sensitive and has deep thoughts. 
ya! tp, xsuma org pham pa yg aku rsa.. pa yg tlintas kt fkiran aku.. aku cpat trasa..  btoi.. tp bkan dgan suma org.. n slalunya aku wat bodo ja ngan pa yg aku rsa tuk jga fwenship aku ngan kwan2..
Knows how to make others happy.
i love 2 laugh n mke ppl laugh.. but, not evryone able to mke me laugh sncerely...
Quiet unless excited or tensed. 
hahahahahahahahaha... mutui2!
Highly attentive.

Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. 

Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. 
err.. no komen.. :P
Loves children. 
xsUma.. yg tOmey2 sja...
Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. 
OMG!! itz tru.. itz tru!! tahaP kejelesan yg mudah capai liMit to iNfinity...
Very Stubborn and money cautious.
eheh! tepAt sma sKaLi...!

pa yg nk aku smpulkan kt cni, kita sbg mnusia xmudah nk judge diri sniri... so, aku amek result test nie sbg pltform utk brubah mnjadi sorg yg lbeyh baek.. mmg la bnda2 gini org ckap, jgan caya... syirik etc.. spa soh pi caya 100%??? ngOk..! bhaSa mudah, yg baek jdikan teladan, yg buRuk, wat sempadan.. buang yg kruh, amEk yg jerih.. xsusah kan??? brubah lar tuk mnjaDi sum1 yg lbeyh baek dri smalam... k... wasSalam...

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